Logistics (AKA-Money)

Finances are something that I recognize can be a HUGE barrier to receiving mental health services. Unfortunately, I am not currently able to accept insurance. However, I can provide super-bills, which can act as a medical “receipt” of sorts for you to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Not all insurance plans accept this or reimburse in full, but many do. I do also offer sliding scale fees for a few spots in my calendar for clients who may not be able to pay the full session price out of pocket. If you feel like sliding scale is something that you need, please let me know that in the contact form. I am only able to offer a limited number of sliding scale spots, so I will let you know right away if I have sliding scale availability. If I do not, I will do my best to help you find another option.

Cost per weekly 50 minute individual or parent session: $145

Cost per 50 minute family session: $160

Cost per 30 minute individual session (by specific request/recommendation only): $90